Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Domestic Diva

When I was newly married I was given an apron with the title "Domestic Diva" embroidered on the front. I spent most of my young life singing in recitals, church, school choirs and competitions. The giver of this special apron, was one of my beloved music teachers. As you can imagine, I hold a special affinity toward this apron and the title it bears.

There is music in everything. I am always singing, my four year old sings Brahm's lullaby in German with me, but I sing in more ways than just my voice. When a beautiful meal is laid out for dinner, it's music, when a home is organized and running well it's music, when I’m painting a wall, it’s music when I'm holding a baby, it's music, when I'm kissing my husband, ahh...music. All of life is a song, and when there is harmony in the things we do, everything feels right. It's like our soul is singing for joy!

Just like all other beautiful music, when it is shared it inspires and uplifts the hearts of many. I have been inspired by so many passionate people in my life singing their songs with full gusto! I want to sing like that for you! I want to inspire you to create harmony and music in your own home. Create, organize, decorate, clean! And find joy in the beauty of the process. I want to help you create a home that uplifts you, inspires you and comforts you.  You can create a home that reflects the melody in your heart so when others walk through your front door they are inspired by your song.

I hope this blog helps you find that song, and gives you the inspiration you need to sing it.


  1. Great idea Heidi! I can't wait to see your posts. I always love getting inspired to clean or organize or beautify my home!

  2. I'm already inspired, I can't wait for more posts! I'm going to follow you the whole way through!
